Steaming milk is the step in which the flavor of the cup begins by pushing the hot water vapor to blend with the milk and heat it quickly and controllablely, until we form a milk texture while heating it to taste, here we can control the density and lightness of the milk strength by directing steam with milk.

To explore this step of making us enjoy a special coffee drink, there are some points to take:

Used milk:

Fresh and full-fat milk guarantees us the best results if it is at a temperature below 5°C but without freezing the milk, leaving the milk for a long time outside the refrigerator prepares the ideal atmosphere to start the activity of bacteria, and it is never right to use milk that has been heated previously, and as for the temperature of steaming milk, it is a sensitive stage in the preparation of milk-based coffee drinks, we start steaming milk until the temperature of milk after evaporation is between 60 and 70 degree Centennial. When steaming milk to this degree, we are keen to highlight the natural flavor of sugars found in milk and proteins. To follow the temperature during heating, it is either by using a temperature scale or in the way used by many professional barista coffee preparers by sensing the palm of the hand, once the steaming pot heats up before it arrives.

 To a simple sting heat, stop fumigation and often we will be in the desired range, what is more than this range may cause the burning of milk and will highlight an unpalatable flavor and a disjointed texture and will be undrinkable moment may make you use the outer sweeteners to improve its taste, this filtered range makes us enjoy in the cup of coffee the moment we put our hopes on it

Methods in fumigation:

We can discover the special method and the most suitable for us in fumigation always, and here is a candidate method to start until we find the most suitable for us, we start by putting the head of the fumigation stick on one of the corners described after expelling the water stuck with the steam stick and this process is called disinfection of the fumigation stick and making sure that the outside of the stick is only water vapor and here is what is meant, water vapor in its gaseous state to heat only without adding liquid water to the milk.


Gradually we steam the milk and install the steaming pot until we see the movement became rotational and the sound outside during fumigation sound is not annoying or high, it is okay to appear at the beginning of fumigation but if the sound continues for more than 3 seconds prefers to move the steam pot to become the rush of water vapor at an appropriate angle in which the steam rushes rotationally, and then control the height  If we take out the head of the stick a little bit, we’ll have a thick milk foam suitable for cappuccino, installing the head in place will be a medium strength suitable for latte work and introducing the stick a little deeper.


Cleaning tools:

Take care of narrow and small corners, for example in the fumigation stick to make sure it is clean so that it does not produce over time bacterial activity affecting the health and quality of the drink, disinfecting the fumigation stick from the water stuck inside it before starting to steam and then swab, and after fumigation we wipe the stick and disinfect it again. It is recommended to use machine detergents to make sure the tools are always clean Properly with machines and not underestimating leaving the fumigation stick without cleaning after using it for 30 seconds, cleaning becomes harder. After intensive use, it is preferable to put a few detergents in a pot and insert the fumigation stick and unscrew its head and soak it for 20 minutes in order to disintegrate the previous sediments and then rinse and disinfect to ensure the exit of the detergents and always take care to shine the fumigation stick this is a sign of its cleanliness from any deposits or residues of milk One of the fine and distinctive arts and its results are quick in practice, this art took a completely second course recently, the art of drawing milk became one of the international competitions competing hundreds of people around the world, including some Arab and Gulf countries that hold qualifiers for this competition taking into account international standards more than just a hobby and after highlighting this competition became the obsession of amateurs to be crowned only one person to become the champion of the year for the competition of the art of painting milk, which makes them train in a form more to compete for this title.

 We recommend to reach the best results and seek smoothly take full care of the points mentioned.