Dried Shellishli – Ethiopia

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A quick glance

This coffee is from the village of Shalshli in Kosher province, Yarakashivi region. This coffee grows at a level of 1800 meters and is a wild Ethiopian herlom strain. This coffee features jasmine and soft textures with a cherry and berries flavor with medium citrus like pineapple acidity and has been treated in a drying way over the beds.

Strongest coffee

Review by Waleed, full of coffee, use it after a month of chickpeas, and you’ll remember what I’m saying.


Review by Excellent Frih

The best crop to use a month after the history of chickpeas

Review by Waleed The best crop to use a month after the history of chickpeas

Roasting Date: 2021/06/20

Out of stock


شلشلي مجفف – أثيوبيا

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