Coffee filters during preparation are one of the factors affecting the final cup, so with different filters from one type to another we will always find a difference in the final cup result. The reason for this is that coffee flows from the filter pores, and depending on the manufacture of filters from one product to another, the size of the filter pores certainly varies, which will affect the flow of water and coffee. This effect will create different results from the same coffee if compared with other filters.

Paper filters:

They are the most popular and widely used filters, and have many shapes and sizes to suit preparation and distillation tools, most notably repressive and flat filters and commercial coffee machine filters. What distinguishes it is that you can have one tool and get several filters to experience different results and always produce a cup with a smooth texture compared to other filters. Some paper filters are known for their filtering power compared to other female candidates in the market by 20% to 30%.

Cloth filters:

These are filters made of pure cotton cloth so as not to affect the flavor of the cup and filter as much turbidity as possible but with richer aromatic oils and slight impurities to produce us a cup of balanced texture compared to other types of filters. Its most famous use is the sahra tool and the suppression of distillation. Unlike The rest of the types, these filters are the least prevalent between the coffee processors and the reason for the necessary care in the filter, it should be cleaned well after all use and soaked in water until the next use. It is preferable to change the candidate after approximately 10 uses or when the color changes completely. Because the residue of oils and coffee impurities stuck in the filter will affect your next preparation.

Metal filters:

Unlike other species, they are nominated for less coffee impurities and are the reason for the metal filter pores. This will result in a cup with a full strength and a higher den over the rest, but its life span is longer than the paper filter, which is often used once and for the candidate.

Cloth for several uses so that it must be changed. One of the most popular preparation tools for this filter is the French piston tool.

Understanding what filters are and their impact on cup extraction will make our next preparation better by knowing how to deal with each candidate and what results are expected of it.